Friday, June 1 . Myasnitskaya str. 9/11, room 518
10.00 Symposium opening, greetings from HSE administration
10.30 – 11.45 Keynote lecture
Ken Sheldon (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA) Arresting the balkanization of happiness: The distinction between ‘Being well’ versus ‘well-being’ may help.
11.45 – 13.00 Keynote lecture
Joar Vitterso (Arctic University, Norway) . Is the Future of Wellbeing Eudaimonic? Promises and Perils for Conceptual Progress and Possible Agreements
13.00 – 14.30 lunch
14.30-15.45 Keynote lecture
Ilona Boniwell (Positran, France) Eudaimonic well-being - lessons from Bhutan.
15. 45 – 17.00 Keynote lecture
Dmitry Leontiev (HSE, Russia) Happiness beyond well-being: toward a multidimensional model
Saturday, June 2 . Myasnitskaya str. 9/11, room 518
11-00-12.15 Keynote lecture
Ruut Veenhoven (Erasmus University, the Netherlands). Pursuit of qualities of life that do not satisfy.
12.15-13.30 Keynote lecture
Veronica Huta (University of Ottava, Canada). Theoretical and Empirical Developments on Eudaimonia from the University of Ottawa Well-being Lab
13.30-14.30 lunch
14.30-15.45 Keynote lecture
Evgeny Osin (HSE, Russia) The model of eudaimonia as a meaningful effort
15.45-16.00 Poster session
16. 00 – 17.30 Round table
Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying happiness beyond well-being
17.30 –18.00 Final sharing and closing session.