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International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences In press

Sheldon K. M., Gordeeva T. O.

Springer, 2017.

Book chapter
The Noëtic Orientations Test (NOT): A Multiscale Russian Modification of the Purpose-in-Life Test

Leontiev D., Osin E.

In bk.: Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, vol 2.. Vol. 2. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 229-240.

Working paper
Variety Of Possible Selves: The Role Of Agency And Empirical Evidence Review

Grishutina M., Kostenko V.

PSYCHOLOGY. WP BRP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021. No. WP BRP 126/PSY/2021 .

Illustration for news: Sports, Creativity, and TV: Diverse Leisure Positively Impacts Psychological Well-Being

Sports, Creativity, and TV: Diverse Leisure Positively Impacts Psychological Well-Being

Life satisfaction is higher among those who engage in diverse leisure activities, researchers from HSE University have found. However, the specific types of activities people engage in are less important. The contribution of individual leisure activities to a sense of well-being accounts for no more than 2% of the variance. Only the diversity of leisure activities is significantly linked to overall life satisfaction and a sense of meaningful time usage. 

Satisfaction of needs in competence and autonomy as a condition of intrinsic motivation of postgraduate students' scientific activity

On the 2nd of October in the Laboratory the postgraduate seminar was held, where the 1st year postgraduate student of the Postgraduate School of Psychology Marchuk Larisa made a presentation "Satisfaction of needs for competence and autonomy as a condition of intrinsic motivation of scientific activity of postgraduate students"

Illustration for news: Autumn School "Resources for Psychological Wellbeing"

Autumn School "Resources for Psychological Wellbeing"

How are motivation, self-regulation and well-being related? What are the socio-cultural predictors of psychological well-being? What are the basic psychological needs of human beings? How does changing the goal affect well-being? These and many other questions were discussed by the Laboratory staff within the framework of the autumn school "Resources of psychological well-being" for students, postgraduates and scientific-pedagogical workers (18-22 September).

The category of the possible in personality psychology: new research perspectives

On September 15, an open lecture was held by an intern-researcher of the Laboratory, a lecturer of the Department of Psychology, a 3rd year graduate student at a graduate school in psychology, Milena Grishutina, on the topic “The category of the possible in personality psychology: new prospects for research”

Illustration for news: Openness to the future and proactive coping strategies in young adult graduates of orphanages and their peers from birth families

Openness to the future and proactive coping strategies in young adult graduates of orphanages and their peers from birth families

On August 7, Anna Khegay, a 1st year postgraduate student of the Doctoral School of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences, made a presentation at the Laboratory's seminar "Openness to the future and proactive coping strategies among young adult graduates of orphanages and their peers from blood families."

Illustration for news: Validation of the professional burnout assessment tool on Russian samples

Validation of the professional burnout assessment tool on Russian samples

On July 26, an employee of the Laboratory, Nikita Kolachev, made a presentation “Validation of the tool for assessing professional burnout in Russian samples”. In his presentation, Nikita spoke about three studies conducted on public librarians in order to test the quality of a relatively new tool for diagnosing professional burnout - Burnout Assessment Tool.

Illustration for news: Characteristics of the separation process in adolescents and young adults

Characteristics of the separation process in adolescents and young adults

On June 28, a scientific seminar "Characteristics of the process of separation in adolescents and young adults" was held with the participation of Research Assistant of the Laboratory, PhD Egorova Polina

Illustration for news: Job crafting, job engagement, and burnout: an analysis of the relationship

Job crafting, job engagement, and burnout: an analysis of the relationship

On June 19, a postgraduate research seminar "Job crafting, job engagement and professional burnout: analysis of relationships" was held with the participation of postgraduate student Miletich Maina Pavlovna. Supervisor - Supervisor - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE University, PhD, Evgeniy Osin

Illustration for news: Antecedents of Goal Self-Concordance: Personality Resources and Values

Antecedents of Goal Self-Concordance: Personality Resources and Values

On May 29, a research postgraduate seminar "Antecedents of Goal Self-Concordance: Personality Resources and Values" was held with the participation of postgraduate student Mustafa Subashi. Supervisor - Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE University, PhD, Evgeniy Osin

Illustration for news: The resource role of the Possible Self in times of crisis

The resource role of the Possible Self in times of crisis

On April 24, a research postgraduate seminar "The Resource Role of the Possible Self in Times of Crisis" was held with the participation of postgraduate student Milena Grishutina, a Research Assistant at the Laboratory and a lecturer at the Department of Psychology at the HSE University. Supervisor – Kostenko Vasily , Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, HSE University.